About Us

The company's technical business activity includes project preparation, construction modifications for installations, contract implementations, installation, training and servicing. The company possesses the special authorization of the State Office for Nuclear Safety for the distribution and assembly of devices with sources of ionizing radiation and meets all prerequisites expected from a qualified supplier within the meaning of the act on public contracts as amended

The activity of the company has never been disputed by a proposal for bankruptcy, arrears of taxes, errors in business or tax policies, its bank statements show a consistently high credit balance and the company has never been financially insolvent. Its high credit value procured it a good financial reputation for which it was granted by the bank the possibility to conclude credit contracts to cover the costs of important and very costly contracts in its area of business.

Currently, the main focus of its activity is the field of radiation therapy, in which TRANSKONTAKT-MEDICAL s.r.o. is an authorized representative of the world-renowned company Elekta, which manufactures linear accelerators, X-ray simulators, and the unique Leksell gamma knife for radiosurgery.

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